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Screen Names for the Site: Majin Lizzy, ML, GSG, Great SaiyaGirl, Pan

Real Name: Lizzy

Nicknames: The Great Destroyer, JoeBobBillyBob, Arm Rest(LONG Story), Pan-chan, Majin JoeBob, Great SaiyaGirl

Age: Can't Tell

School: A one I most detest

Location: Down by the baym where the watermelons grow.

Hobbies: Anything you can think of, just not sticking my head in the toilet. That's my little brother's job.

Favorite Foods: RAMEN NOODLES!!!!!

Animes I've seen: Dragonball, Dragonball Z, Dragonball GT, Pokemon, Digimon, Transformers, Medabots, Neon Genisis Evangelion, Slayers, Slayers Try, Slayers Next, Astro Boy, Speed Racer, Fuughi Yuughi, Flame of Recca, Magic Night Rayearth, Outlaw Star, GUndam WIng, Sailor Moon, and some other ones.

Favorite Charcters: DBZ- Miari Trunks, Goten, #18, #17, Veggie
Slayers: Lina Inverse, Xellos(evil is cool), Zelgadis
Gundam WIng: DUO!!!!!!!!!
Outlaw Star: Jim Hawking (He's mine Charlotte! Mine!)
DBGT- Pan(DUH!),Trunks, Videl
Sailor Moon: KIno Makato, Raye HIno,

How I liked anime: It's all Sailor Moon's fault! In fourth grade, my friend Tori really liked Sailro Moon. I'm like, what a dorky show. But she was my best friend, so I decided to watch it. I found it interesting, and so I joined her club of Sailor Moon fans. But I wanted a show with action. I went to Vancouver, Canada(I am Canadian!) and got a lot of Sailor Moon stuff in CHinatown. I saw some traces of DBZ there, but I mostly ignored it. Then, in the begnning of fifth grade, my second grade brother started watching DBZ. I was like, the shows about guys with freakish hair styles.Then I met GSSJ Duo. He liked DBZ, and somhow, I got used to watching the episodes. Then, I discovered the internet.........
Well, it's been a year later since I got int DBZ, and two years later since I got into Sailor Moon. I'm no less of a fanatic. I will always have a special place in my heart for DBZ and Sailor Moon, my two favorite animes.







Hobbies:Pretty much the same as Lizzy's hobbies except sticking heads in toilets is my little sisters job!!

Real Name:Jake
Hobbies:yeah same here,see I also like sticking Nige's sister into the toilet
Age:Older than you

A good tip:Don't eat month old milk