Here is all of our banners. They were either created by SSJ Xellos or Majin Lizzy(1 by Goku and the 3 pan mini banners, goku buttons were made by s-chan). If you want to use one banner to link us, go ahead.



Above: My frist banner ever Below: My second banner ever 

Above: An animated gif made by Nige Below: All in one.....that's from Hard Rock Cafe, London 

Above: SSJ Xelloss's abnner. Currently on our home page Below: My banner. I made it in two seconds after SSJ Xelloss called the whole crew "monkeys" 
All of the banners below are for certain pages within websites. Don't use these to link us. 
Above:This one if for our Gohan bio 
Above: This is for Nige's Corner Below: Also for NIge's Corner Both made by ML(Majin LIzzy) 

Above: This one is for our bios Below: Totally expieremental! I was fiddling with Kid Pix! 

ABove&Below: You'll find these on the front page 

ABove: SSJ Coolness. You'll find this on the front page. This really looks like him! He does look like Eriol from Card Captor Sakura!!!!! Below: LI Syoaran(or however you spell his last name) looks a lot like DBZ Dirtbag. You'll find this on the front page. 

Above: Nige's banner I made for him. You'll find it on the front page. Below: Jake's first banner.Very cheesy, though 

Contact S-Chan 
