You have probably seen this guy running around the site,he is my(ashitaka)logo.He is a very strong saiyan,he is half saiyan and half human.His dad was an extremely strong samurai and his mom was pure blood saiyan,very interesting huh?

Gohan has an extreme hidden power. This was first shown in the beginning of the Saiyan Saga with Radditz. After seeing his father, Goku, get hurt, he broke out of the spaceship and striked Radditz. The strike weakend Radditz and helped Goku hold Radditz while Piccolo was charging up his Special Beam Cannon. After his year training with Piccolo, he showed his hidden power by striking Nappa in the battle with Nappa. He shows his hidden power again when Piccolo dies. He also shows his power while battling Vegeta. There are many times while battling the Ginyu Force the Gohan shows a little bit of his power. Gohan potientinally shows his powers when friends are hurt. His used his hidden power to defeat Garlic Jr., and later Cell. I give him ****. Gohan is overall cool and cute!^_^ 
Miari(Future)Trunks: Miari TRunks comes from a bleak future in which every Z fighter is killed, except Gohan. Gohan trained Trunks when Trunks was 13. Gohan died later, and Trunks's anger builds up tand then he goes Super Saiyan! Two years later, Bulma's is still working on her Time Maqchine, and Trunks gets his butt whooped by the androids. Seeing her son's butt get kicked, BUlma sends Trunks into the past, so that he can deliver GOku the heart medicine. Truks kills Metal Frieza's henchmen and chops Freiza into cold cuts(Oh, I am so funny) and barbeques King Kold, but never eats him, just blows him up.. He tells Goku when he arrives about the heart diasease and that he(Trunks) is from the future. Then Trunks leaves. He comes back three years later to fight the androids. He trains for the Cell Games, and dies in the Cell Games when he get's shot through the chest(what a tragic moment). Vegeta got super mad, and then.....to make a long story short.....Vegeta got his butt whooped by Cell, and was fourtanatly saved by Gohan. Trunks is brought back to life by the Dragonballs. LIke a day later, Trunks returns to his own world and defeats the Androids and Imperfect Cell.

This would be Vegeta,he has a lot of pride and is extremely strong.He becomes a supersaiyan when he is training in the gravity chamber during the android saga.When Goku is being beat up by Android 19 Vegeta the Supersaiyan comes to his rescue.And if you have seen many pics on the internet then you will notice that Vegeta also turns SS4.Though you have never figured out how.Well,to tell you truth he really never turns SS4.Bulma makes some kind of medicine or pill that makes him become SS4.So really its artificial SuperSaiyan,but he is just as strong as any SS4.We give Vegeta a **** because he provides us with some funny names such as "Green Bean".But he is always the second best.

I struggled to get this pic,it probably took about all day or so.Goku Jr. is only in one movie,a special tv thingy.Anyway it takes place 100 years after GT.Goku Jr Is a shy kid,the son of pan and when pan is fatally injured he sets out ona journey to find a 4 star dragonball to save her.There is some more info on him and I will soon put it up.
More Bio's Coming Soon!!!! |
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Goku: Goku is the main charecter in Dbz.He has 2 sons,Goten and Gohan.Goten is a lot like him.On the other hand Gohan isn't exactly like His father.Goku and Vegeta used to be enemies,but later on they become friends,sorta.His wife is Chi-Chi.She hates it when Gohan fights but later on in the show learns to get used it.All and all Goku is funny,but really strong.Ofcourse we will give Goku the big........*****!!!!!! 
GOTEN--------------- Goten is Goku's second son. He was the youngest Super Saiya-jin, and did not have to surpass anger to turn SSJ. HE'S A NATRUAL!! Anyhow, he was able to do this because he was born at a time where his father was stronger. Scienctifically, tis is wrong, but what the heck, it's just an anime. Anyhow, Goten fuses with Trunks to become Gotenks. He fights in the Buu saga and is trained by Piccolo. In Dragonball GT, he's a ladies man, and has a lot of girlfriends. His brother is Gohan, his niece is Pan, his mother is CHi Chi, and his father is Goku. Goten overall gets a ****, because he provides comic relief. 
Pan---- Pan is a minor role in DBZ but a major role in DBGT. Many sites are dedicated to Pan, and most of them to the love of Trunks and Pan. But here's the scoop on Pan. Pan is the daughter of Gohan and Videl, which means she is one-fourth Saiyajin. Pan fought in the Budokai and beat her uncle Goten at the end of DBZ. In the beginning of GT, Pan-chan was a fourteen year old who wanted to be treated like a grown-up. She drank coffee, and tried to act like an adult. When Goku and Trunks and originally Goten were ready to blast off, Goten gets a call on his cell phone, and ansers it. He steps out of the aircraft, and Pan goes in Pan thakes the control panel key, and blasts off the ship with Trunks and Goku. She was the key for Goku turning into SSJ4. Pan gets a big ***** becuase not only does she provide a lot of websites, but a story of a girl growing into a woman. Written by Majin Lizzy 
