
Ashitaka 3/7/02-Inspired...
Hey peeps,whats shakin?Well,unfortunately I can't make another username and stuff on tripod so I guess I'm gonna have to start an HTML site,which I really hate.I was thinking about using expage or something
but I'm not really sure.I guess
I'll go find something to do on the site,maybe the bios or a new section
for all of those Role Playing fans....
Oh Yeah,BRING IT ON JAKE!!!!!(See what I mean a few updates ago.)

ML::::The great destroyer is back again!!::::2:31 PM:::::3/7/02
~~~I am back........ again. The deal is, Mrs. Cone (my math teacher) is showing her angelic side and not giving us math homework. If this lasts for a while, expect updates on weekdays. But I cant upload anything at school, so just expect new links and yada yada blah. The deal with my internet....well, that's another story. So I call this Cox guy, and after an hour, I acheive nada, and so I call this other computer guy and the deal is that my modem is bad and he will replace it today. So definitly expect an update on Friday. And I added some new links and S-chan, can you get SSL a new guestbook server? We really need a good one. 'Til then, Ja ne!! 
Jake::7:35 PM::3-6-02::PO-ed Yep,I'm mad.O well,don't get nervous.I like what I say.And if anyone would like to fight me(except Lizzy,she'd beat me up,)BRING IT ON!But otherwise,ok... More news,I'm gonna put some bios up here. Ja ne!!! Jake Enkai
(dude that loves his diamondbacks visor)I AM ALIVE!!!:::ML:::11:08 AM:::3/6/02 ~~Yes, I AM ALIVE!! I am updating this at school, during study hall *looks around for librarian* ANyhow, my internet is busted.We are going to move to AOL permantly. In the meantime, I hope you can bare with me. Expect updates in Wenesdays or Fridays. No content update here, but thanks for all of ur stuff and yada yada.PLEAZ BARE WITH ME!! Ja ne!! 
Also I added a super rare bio on Goku Jr. and I added a bio for Vegeta.

2/3/02 Ashitaka
As Jake lectured last night I agree with your philosophy...but we need to worry about the site,if you come here daily,hourly,minuetely,etc. I salute you,I would rather have people visit frequently rather than someone that casually comes to visit the site and looks for about a minute then gets bored,we need to improve to make the site more interesting,I also added about 20 gifs or so.i am also thinkin about addind a secvtion that tells all about all of the special moves in DBZ.
See Ya later,or should I say Ja Ne
"There's one thing a Saiyan never loses...their pride!!!!" -Vegeta 
3/1/02Spice Girl Wanabe Hey,this is Jake Enkai.You didn't think me being on here...Well,I'm back and better that ever.I'm now not an idiot.But,times change,and so does the internet.My new aim name is moocowjake if anyone wants to know.My new e-mail is moocowjake@sigecom.net Jake AKA Goku! PS:21 new gifs in our gallery! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 03/01/02 Ashitaka
Hey everyone,I haven't updated for a while so I decided to do so today.But there ain't much to say, I'm thinking about making a SSL 2.0,but I'm not sure yet,I'll have to get in touch with evceryone else.So It may not be up and running until Summer.
PS:Oh yeah,my new name on the site is Ashitaka,check out the banner below. 

--02/25/02 S-Chan
First off i'm really sorry for not updating in such a long time! Well i'm back now *coughs* Anyways I opened a picture gallery! :) Ain't that fun? O.o Oh and you guys are lucky I forgot to put super saiyan's lair's siggy on the pictures so they won't be stolen! But i'm not too over proctective with the Pan pictures. Cause it's good people who use the pictures so.. heh Oh and all the male saiyans i'm gonna put SSL's siggy on so HA! you bad male saiyan picture stealers! =P >.< I'm... just kidding... but i'm gonna put their siggy on though :O Three new DBZ links has been added! er.. I might have my own corner but hey.... I'm the crazy one I don't think I should have corner I mean look at me now O_O lol If you need to contact me for some weird reson go to the "our banners/buttons" section and go all the way down and you'll get my e-mail addy and stuff. I'm gonna go now so brows and don't eat cheese! *shudders* >.>
Ja Ne! S-Chan 
16/2/02-9:02 PM
~~Sorry everyone,I'm rezining too,see ya....
Not really,but I am going to work on the site under a different name:DbzMagma.Thank God ML is back,it was gettin really boring with just me and S-Chan,by the way,are you all watchin the olympics?Oh Yeah,I'm creating a download section,if your a fan of the DBZCCG then you'll love those cards.I finally got my e-mail back!!Anyone who wants may e-mail me may.And,oh yeah,Jake told me that he ain't ever comin back to the oll site,yeah,it really sticks but its true.and when your on the site,ML,please,whatever you do,please don't mention school on a weekend on the FRONT PAGE,it's not good to mention scool in front of me on a weekend.
Man,I'm really craving that really sick medacine that tastes like you're eating Orajel,so that can only lead up to one thing... Ja Ne!! 
2/16/02~~11:52 Vancouver Time~~ML~~Well I have a feeling everything is going to HFIL ~~~Feels great to be back on the site after about a month, but school is killing me, so do not expect so much updates. But to start with, we're sad that Jake left. We'll never forget you Jake! Come back soon! But for the main story, a lot of DBZ sites are on the hack right now. DWZ is down, Planet Namek is down, Savage Z is gone for good, and DBCollection is gone(I think) and CVG Network is on the fritz. And for me and updating, school is first priority. Just bare with us here. Until then, ja ne minna-san! --02/12/02 Alright....I made a piccolo mini banner and a piccolo button >.> although I don't really like Piccolo! I would rather do Dende! *huggles dende* anyways my brother forced me to do it so you can use piccolo if you want lol. Well person who just updated a few mins befor me can I have the addy for it? :) Ja everyone! 
~~~~2/11/02 6:53 PM
Yeah,I'm sorry that Jake left,"I laughed,I cried,It became a part of me." Whatever,gotta go to see "UNSOLVED MYSTERIES" Oh yeah,S-Chan,jake wants you to help us with the "NEW" site,and he said that him and Lizzy had a BIG dispute, so he's been kinda P*ssed,he said I should quit,well,should I, hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.... 
--02/11/2002 Hi...it's me S-Chan I just finshed making some mini banners and buttons in the "our banners section!" :D Um..I hope you all took some time to read that sad note by Jake! I mean I don't really know him but i'm not happy :( that he's leaving *sighs* I hope he comes back soon!! :) So that's all from me buh-bai! 
Jake::::news:::: It was lizzys idea for her to do it,but I'm going to make another site.It has been a great time with the lair,but now it has to end with a disbute.Sorry,but now,Febuary 9th,2002 I,am resigning.Bye Nige,keep the site running well.I might join back if we can keep our team together...Peace out Jake Enkai
--02/08/02 Hiya! I'm the new member of SSL I bet your wondering "who the heck is this s-chick?" My name is Tiia but everyone calls me S-Chan or aka Sakura Angel Blossom! *tackles J-Chan for giving her that name* Anyways you'll hear alot from me hee hee :) If you wanna send me some e-mails like " Can you leave Lizzy, Dirtbag, Jake and Nige alone? And can you just shut up??!!" Then my e-mail addy is s_chan12000@yahoo.ca and my hotmail addy is lovy_dovy62@hotmail.com um...soooo leave me alone right now i'm busy! So go brows this kwel place I have to say they did a wicked job on this site! So Ja Ne! 
Jake::::4:03PM::::::Febuary 1st::::What rymes with wow and moos???::::
Hey,I'm back.I'm gonna make a new banner for all of our sakes.IM me on AIM.I'm moo cow jake.Bye Jake Enkai Banner maker,Info WEBMASTER
Nige::::6:52 AM:::::27th::::::::January:::::: Jake and ML won't be updating for a while.Jake moved into a new house and won't have internet access for a while.There's something wrong with ML's computer,so it's only me for a while, Ja Ne! 
Nigel:::::::::::::::::1/13/01:::7:56 AM:::::That was Swell:: S'up peeps.may as well do some editing on the site,ain't much else to do... Check out the Noodle Cart for some stuff(might be renamed). 
ML::::9:46 PM::::1/11/02::::It's not so bad having a popo buddy icon.....
~~>Well, I've been thinking of the my interest of DBZ. THis is my first site that has gotten over 1,000 hits, yet, it lacks something. Dirtbag says it lacks humour, except for the lists, and Vegeta's_Girl says it lacks Vegeta. I think it lacks content. That's why over the next cuple of mothes, I will be editing the site, big time. And I added some new things to my now called "Miari Star Port" Thankx Matt for the name! Ja ne!! 
Nigel::::::::1/8/02:::::::::::7:30 PM::::::::Colors::::::
~~~~>Sup peeps!I probably won't be updating as frequently as I usally do either,I've got some work to be catching up on,you know how that goes.On the weekends I'll be updating a lot to catch up and also,check my Noodle Cart,and Jake is such a dweeb for copying my noodle cart as his dessert cart!That is...LAMEO!!!!Oh,yeah,my apoligies to Lizzy bout the corner thingy but no hard feelings,okay!Thankx!! Ah man,I need a caffiene free diet mountain dew, Ja ne 
ML::::1/7/02::::8:56 PM::::Don't be expectin' much.....
~~Ya, that's right folks, I won't be updating as frequently as I have been having for the past couple of weeks. I won't be updating so much for about a month or two, and bear with us. We got some fanart by Shoujoishin, so I'm gunna put that up as soon as I can. And anybody can send things to me at majinlizzy@hotmail.com. I need mail.....I get bored. THanks for bearing with me. And Dirtbag has a big project, so he won't be updating so much. Ja ne! 
Goku::::1/7/02::::8:50 AM::::Banner Hey,I finally got the bannerup for you,hope you like it.Please be kind to not just tell your opinions,but insert comments if needed.Also,I'm sorry about the old news,but it is old.And I am a dweeb,lol,making a corner about DB!!!!!!!By the way,I made a food section about me and DB!!!!! Thanks for supporting us Jake,and all of us from the Super Saiyans Lair
ML::::1/6/02::::8:50 AM::::Well Well ~~Would Jake and Nige just stop putting news in the old news sections. I really need to talk to them. Too bad Nige doesn't have AOL, cause now he doesn't have a DIRECT CONNECTION OF ME KILLING HIM!!!!! He is TOTALLY CPOYING MY SUSHI SPOT!!!! ARGH!!!!! I uploaded a few banners made by your truley. I need a soda......Ja ne......
| | |
ML:::1/5/02::::11:30 AM AZ Time(duh)::::Nice, to see you, good to meet you, can I eat you?! ~~Don't ask people, it's an insider with me, my big sis, and Faith. Sorry for the lack of updates, but my sister is making a DBZ site and is hogging the computer *threatens to kill Faith with a mallet if she gets on again* Personally, I think it's just a bbunch of stolen things from Planet Namek, but who cares. I updated my SUshi SPot, and Nige, your totally copying the Sushi Spot, so get your own ideas!And Jake, Dirtbag wants to tellyou that he thinks that your wrath is very.....small. Well, anywho, ja ne!!! ::::Nige::::1/5/02:::::7:52 AM::::: Hey peeps!I am playin a video game and typing at the same time!It's hard.And if that isn't enough my little sis is watchin some show called Oswald and their dancing and singing "DO THE PENGUIN POLKA!!!" or somin that.Anyway I updated my Noodle Cart and a bunck o' other parts of the site so be sure to check it out!!Yeah!! Ja Ne! ::::Jake::::1/4/02::::1:25 PM:::: Hey,I added all the other junk to the old news page.And I got all my dome back!!!Geuss what...I have a new banner,and next week,it's going up on the website until the 12th!!! JAKE ENKAI!!! Nigel:::::::::::::1/4/02/9:07 PM::::::::: Sorry Jake but now there's no where to put your information back on.By the way,check out http://lugiasworld.cjb.net it's a very cool site.I put my Noddle Cart back and if anyone deletes again the they will feel the WRATH!!!!Bwahahahahahaha!!!!!!!!!!!!!Ja Ne Sorry,dirtbag,this is Jake.Nige made Shawn,who everyone except you,lol.That was Nige and him trying to be funny.He made my db dome into happyland.He will change it back,soon.Please don't delete my page again...:)Sorry all website veiwers!!! Jake Enkai DBZ Dirtbag::::7:18 AM:::: 1/4/02::::Mixed Feelings ~~Okay, people, I have mixed feelings about this stuff. WHo is Shawn? And Jake and Nige put so little content(along with the mysterious Shawn) that I just deleted it. Make corners when you actually have content. I know, I bet they're saying,"Why don't you delete Sushi Spot also?"Becausue they Sushi Spot has some DANG CONTENT!!!! Geez, I need a Dr. Pepper. Ja ne. ML:::1/2/02:::7:47 PM::: Nige, don't be jealous..... .....of my Sushi Spot!! Honestly, you have a corner. I deleted his entry of his thoughts, and I'm gunna put up my new banners by myself and some by Sakura Angel Blossem. I'll put them on like at 10:00 PM or so when I get back from rollerskating with Matt. Ja ne!! Nigel:::::Jan.2.2002::::::4:47 PM::::: Hey peeps,I'm back and better than ever!I've been busy beating Video Games so I decided to take a Vacation for a while but I'm back now.We'd like any Fan Art or Fan Fictions and we think we might make new site on Angelfire or somethin.I'm tryin to get a good layout right now!!!I'd say that it will be ready for viewers in about 3 months or so.Well,I gotta go but I'll be back later to update more!See Ya!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Goku::::December 31,2001::::WHAT????? Hi,you are probably wondering what happened.I put all of that other news in our old news section,since we were getting stuffed on the first page.And now for our sponcers,wait,no sponcers!!!If you want to provide us with pictures or info,we'll put your name,e-mail,and website on the front page.And incase you try to get free glory,we don't want any information or pictures we already had.E-mail me at snake9923@yahoo.com or send me a message on AIM(my name is christkid1990.)We need all the help,even if it isn't us working it.Have a Happy merry yab blah blah new year!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Jake Enkai ML::::4:24 PM::::12/31/01:::::I can't help it if a member of Nickelback looks like Jesus ~~Well people, you probably noticed the new banner made by me, myself, and I. I took down the new year kiriban because it sucked. Sakura Angel Blossem made me a fantastic banner for Sushi Spot. Check it out. I also added Pan's bio ofr my content update. Dirtbag is gunna add Vegeta and Gogeta's bios too. Well, that scoops it up, and y'all have a happy new year. Ja ne!! MLK ML::::8:03 AM:::::::12/30/01::::::Chutes and Ladders ~~I don't know why I called this update that name, because it has nothing to do with chutes and ladders. BUt anyhow, a big thanks to Sakura Angel Blossem. Not only did she make me some WONDERFUL banners, but is the most likely to join the staff. So, we're all happy there. As in here in AZ, my parents are gone, and a couple is babysitting us and THEY RULE!! I can do anything with them. Well, gotta fly, ja ne!! MLK Goku::::12/28/01::::7:57 PM::::Banners ~I have made small banners,not on the banner page,but on every page.Some are very old,but some I made today with a db picture on them.ENJOY,the best is still to come!!!also bios on my corner Jake Enkai PS:we are on the search for Nigel!!!!!!!! DBZ DIRTBAG::::12/28/01::::8:09 AM::::Internet Killed the Video Star ~~If you people do not know me, I am DBZ Dirtbag, ML's cousin. I do a lot of the content stuff, but mostly with the humour. Just too let you people know, I added some more stuff to the LISTS. Well, gotta go, gonna play Super Smash Brothers!! Ja ne! Majin Lizzy::::12/27/01::::7:54 PM::::::On my updating rampage...... --Yes, I am on my updating rampage. I made a sucky New Year kiriban, because my STUUUPID computer deleted my cool one. I have also added a new link, and added some content to the Sushi Spot. Well, y'all have a cool day, ja ne!! Goku:::9:03 AM::: Hey,my computer has been totally messed,but it will let me update now!!!Geuss what I got for Christmas,a digital camera!!!That means screenshots.Unfortunitely,I haven't figured out the computer program yet::notice yet:: so I feel good.I'm hopefully going to be the sites picture man::lol:: Hopefully... Best to come with 2002 Jake Enkai Majin Lizzy:::8:13 AM::::Did YOU have happy holidays??::::12/26/01 --Well, I know I did!! I got some roller skates, 200 dollars gift certificate to a mall, 75 dollar gift certificate to a CD store, along with a bunch of other stuff. Right now, I am kinda mad that DragonworldZ didn't link us. I have asked them kindly, and I thought Nige, Jake, Me, and DBZ Dirtbag have worked really hard. I'll layoff of that for a while. Matt in da hat aka Matt aka *points to house diagonally from mine* MY NEIGHBOR got some cool stuff. A gamecube, and some cool games, and a kick (oops,I'll say butt) anime encyclopedia. So, that's my scoop. ANd don't worry, I will update some content stuff, trust me. Nigel:::2:56 PM::: Just updated some junk around the site,not much..... Nige::::Jake:::School Wwe're updating at school ML--It's been awhile.... Updated: 4:16AM on 12(what?!)/1/01 Okay, so D(Dirtbag's new nickname) and I have been thinking..and we really need a good new crew member. So, WITHOUT JAKE OR NIGE'S PERMISSION, we decided to hold a contest. The person who knows how to do these ..things will be a new crew member, and hopefully help this lame site!!!! So: here we go ?Be good a some form of HTML: D knows little about HTML, and I no nada! Nige is the only one who does, so he'd like a little help ?Good sense of humour: Okay peeps, we need someone who knows more than just "Vegeta is constipated" jokes. ?Um, be good with multimedia. We really need somebody who is good with movie clips and stuff ?We need a good artist too. I needs to go to Matt's house and scan D's pics when I have the time, but we would like a good artist. ?Somebody who could move us to angelfire, cause tripod is getting on me nerves **optional** ?Take screencaps, cause we're just hobo bums down the street ?Make DBZ music videos, well, we'll tell you about that later ~~~~~SO, if you can fill in those requirements, sned your email to Majinlizzy@hotmail.com today!!!!!! Ja ne!! ML ML--Me bad Updated: 11:14 AM on 11/21/01 I am so bad. I am supposed to be having a study hall when I am doing an update. All of those Supporting content stuff have been replaced by Disclaimer notes. Ja ne matta!!!! ML--Message Board up, Boo Ya!!!!!!! Updated:11/20/01--8:07 PM Oh ya peeps, we at Super Saiyans Lair have a MESSAGE BOARD!!!! I am so happy! That's all folks! Ja ne matta!!! ML-----I am not dead, I think Nov. 17----1:35 PM -People, I am not dead, I think. Although I have not been able to update in a long time, here's the scoop. Right now, I am trying to survive school, and I got by report card back, and no B-'s! So, I am happy about that. I have another big math packet that's due on the 30th, but let's give thanks to our good ol' friends the Pilgrims and our good friend Abe Lincoln for giving us THANKSGIVING!!! I have a half day next Wednesday, Thursday and Friday off. And of course, the weekend, so let's enjoy that part. I should be able to get up 5 fanfics,a long with new chapters. And DBZ Dirtbag took a try at drawing fanart, and it looks great, so he is drawing fanart for the Niddum Saga. I should get them up as soon as I go to my friend Matt's house. I have been talking to Jake on IM. My IM is thunderclash7 and DBZ Dirtbag's IM is garbanzobean999. He's not on that often. But, here comes the bad news, I have a busy schedule on Sunday and Monday(17&18) so I wont update unless I can squeeze in. And I have a math test on the 21! Wish me luck, I'm gonna need it. To end this long update, I have a death wish for my co-host Nige for changing the layout which my banners don't look good on.So, ::grabs a scythe:: Ja ne matta! Nigel---------Nov.15 8:01 PM-------- I've added some fanfics and some other cool stuff.Yes,it's true.....We are going to make another site and it may take all of our time so we might have someone take over until we get done most o'the stuff.We think we've found someone to do the job too.We're going to give out some awards so check your e-mails,the winner might just be you!!I changed the layout because the other one was just a stinking mess! We all feel very,deeply sorry that SSJCoolness and SSJ Sakura had to leave.That means there's more spots open!!! November(what?!) 3, 2001 -------Update by ML------- I am not dead------------------ : THat's right peeps, I am not dead. I'm very alive with a lot going on. I should be able to update soon, and I am drawing some fan arts. I figured some HTML and now I can get some fanfics up. Please send me your submissions. As soon as I can get a disk and transfer some fanfics from my computer, I shall be able to put up a fanfic section. I will also be making music videos, and taking down some sections. Be ready for this by Thanksgiving. I want to have a new look to our site before I leave. That's right peeps, me and my friends will be starting a new site, Anime Arizona. If running Anime Arizona(AA) will take all of my time, I will leave SSJ Lair. SO please send me lots on submissions. Even fanarts! Ja ne. UPDATES:::::ML:::::::::FAQ, e tu?::::::9:43 PM::::::: I've updated the FAQ. That's all.Have a nice day. :::::::ML(Majin Lizzy):::::::Chages are good, eh? :::::::6:00 PM I changed the layout for the sake of Mr. ?. I think it's ten times better. I added a new banner. Kudos to SSJ Xellos(my little bro) SSJ Xellos attenpted to make a banner, and here it is. I gotta give him credit, it's cool. I updated some other stuff. Ja ne(good job Nige for using it!)!!!!! :::::Nigel:::::Thursday Sep.27th 2001::::4:17 pm:::::: Hey everybody,I've updated some stuff on the site!By the way,we're thinkin bout puttin an episode guide on our site,what do you think??? :::::Nigel:::::Thursday Sep.27th 2001::::4:17 pm:::::: Hey everybody,I've updated some stuff on the site!By the way,we're thinkin bout puttin an episode guide on our site,what do you think??? UPDATES:::::::Majin Lizzy:::::9/25/01::::::6:47 PM::::::::Sis site::::::Hiya! My sister's site is on the link page. That's all! Oh, by the way, today's DBZ epsidoe was cool. UPDATES:::::NIgEL::::9/24/01:::7:33 PM::::::::::::::::::::: Hey everybody,I've done a lot of updates tonight,I'm planning on spending about 40 min. updating the site after this,I hope you check out my section of the site,the pics and the saiyans adoptions section for some updates.Also go to the Affialites sectoin and the Award section of the site,Enjoy and..............JaNe!!(Hey Lizzy,thats your saying,oh well!!!!) UPDATES::::: GSG::::Sunday, 9/23/01:::4:25PM:::::Crew Show added, and then some::::Hiya! This is Majin LIzzy, formerly known as Lizzy! I've added the first episode of the Crew Show. On the other part, DRAGONBALL DUBBING SUCKS!!!!!! Have a nice day. UPDATES:::Lizzy::Sorry, dudes:: Wednesday September 19::::Oh my gosh, I haven't updated in ten days! ::screams:: DBZ Dirtbag::"That was the most horrifying sound I've ever heard!":: Anyhow, I added a picture and Anika's site has linked me!! Whoop de dee!!!! Anyhow, I'm looking for affliates, so if you wanna be one, sign my guestnook and tell me your URL. ANd I've added some movie clips! Ja ne!! UPDATES:::PAN:::2:38 PM SEPTEMBER 9::::::::I couldn't help it::::: Hiya!I just couldn't help but say hi to you guys. I added some pictures and stuff in places. See ya! UPDATES::::Pan:::::We're on the Downslide Hi! Pan here! I have offically made the first update of SSJ Lair. Bwahaha! Anyhow, I've added some stuff to my corner. See ya!