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Here's a chance for you to contribute,whatever contribute means

When was this site built?

GSG- Well, I met Jake through his webpage, . I had a webpage that is still up and running ( Then Nige helped Jake with his site in about December, or January, or sometime in the spring. Anyhow, one night, Jake I.M'ed me and asked if we should make a site together. I said sure, and we started to build this page. Then I joined Goku and Trunks, and Nige.So we started this site. We built it over the summer. So, there ya go! The history of us. Oh, DBZ Dirtbag and those other dudes joined a in August.

Can I help you with this site?

ML: Well, Jake wants a contest with for a another crew member, and I may be leaving, and Dirtbag may be leaving(unless people send in submissions of stuff), but we are not entirely sure. We already have 4 people, and that's enough, I think. But, hey, who knows!

When will you guys update?
GSG: That question annoys us. I try to update at least every giga week, and in my cousin's case, when he has internet time. Just don't ask us that.
Nige:I try to update the site every 1 or 2 days.

Will you help with my site?
GSG: Depends if it stinks or rocks. But proabaly no.
Nige: For a bad ex. of a site go to.......

Will you make a banner for me?
GSG: That's a surprising question. My friend asked me that. Actually, I think my banners stink, but if you really want me to do that, sure.
Nige:We will be glad to make a banner for anyone!

I've emailed you for my link, and it's not up yet. WHat's up?

GSG: THat's an easy one. Two reasons. One, it sucks. Two, I haven't got the time to check my mail.
Nige:Yeah,If you want your site on here e-mail Jake,he spends haf his life with e-mail!!

Are you Japanese?

GSG: I wish. Sakura does have Japanese blood in her. I have been to Japan, so has Dirtbag, Sakura, and Coolness.

Do you own DBZ or any animes?

GSG: I wish. In a few spots on the site, it says we don't own DBZ. So there. I wish I owned DBZ
Dirtbag: I do make a comic adventure of DBZ and Slayers. That's about all.

Jake:There's also the crew show.

Do you guys live near each other?

GSG: I live by DBZ Dirtbag(he's my freakin cousin!), SSJ Sakura, and SSJ Coolness. I don't live by Jake and Nige. I live likemore than 1,000 miles from them. Jake and Nige live in the same town.
Nige:Jake and I practically live next to each other,we also go to the same school!!!Jake and I actually met Lizzy when she signed our guestbook!Hahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

How many licks does it take to get to the center of a Tootsie Pop?

Lizzy: One, Two, Three...................
Jake: BITE!!! Four
Nigel: Five